The department offers the following investigations per professor:
Physics (FISI-5985)
Notable Research News
The Science History Institute’s Magazine Writes Article from the Work of Prof. Acosta and Mendez
The Science History Institute published an article about the recent discovery in a remote cave in Puerto Rico that sheds light on the Halley’s Comet hysteria from a century ago by professors Acosta and Mendez.
XIX Research Forum of UPRA (2024)
Department presents the XIX Research Forum where students enrolled in research present their current projects alongside their mentors.
Prof. Mendez’s WOW! Signal Research Appears in “Top Science Stories of 2024”
Congratulations to our physics professor Abel Mendez for his work appearing in the “Top Science Stories of 2024” article by Knowable Magazine.
Prof. Mendez, Acosta, and Caballero present their research work in the Research and Creation Symposium
Prof. Méndez, Acosta, and Caballero present their research work at the Research and Creation Symposium.
Prof. Acosta et. al. Discovered the first Canoe Fragment in Puerto Rico
Prof. Angel Acosta participated in study led by Dr. Reniel Rodríguez were the first ever canoe fragment was discovered in Puerto Rico.
Prof. Mendez and Acosta Discover Rock Art in Cave Depicting Historic Astronomical Event
Review in Telemundo of the drawings in a cave related to the Halley comet by Prof. Abel Méndez and Prof. Angel Acosta.
Student Bianca presented Research to the Geological Society of America
Review in Telemundo of the drawings in a cave related to the Halley comet by Prof. Abel Méndez and Prof. Angel Acosta.
Students Bianca and Irnalis Present their Intership Research at James Madison University
Review in Telemundo of the drawings in a cave related to the Halley comet by Prof. Abel Méndez and Prof. Angel Acosta.
Research Paper from Prof. Infante and Students was Accepted in Journal of Food Chemistry Advances
Congratulations to graduates Edwin Caballero, Yashira Rolon and Ricardo Degró and to Prof. Ricardo Infante for their research paper.
Research Paper from Prof. Candelaria and Acosta was Accepted in Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics
Congratulations to Prof. Candelaria and Acosta for their research paper.