TEQU Electives
TEQU-3205: Management and Supervision of Chemical Processes
TEQU-4019: Biochemical Applications in Technology (3 crd)
TEQU-4028: Hydraulics (3 crd)
TEQU-4035: Energy Conversion (3 crd)
Discussions of conventional and modern methods such as steam generators, turbines, fuel cells, thermonuclear plants, Otto/Stirling cycle engines, solar thermal/photovoltaic energy, biofuels and electricity generation from renewable energy sources.
ASTR Electives
ASTR-3009: General Astronomy
ASTR-3010: General Astrobiology
Formation of stars and planets, origin and evolution of life, Earth and climate change, exploration of the solar system, habitable planets, and search for extraterrestrial life.
ASTR-3011: Observational Astronomy
ASTR-3013: Observational Astronomy Lab.
ASTR-3015: Planetary Geophysics
What is the geology of our planet and its processes? How do we study the geological processes of the planets with robots and satellites? How do we make real maps and images of the planets? How do we understand the geology of other planets using Earth as an analogue?
QUIM Electives
QUIM-3085: Environmental Chemistry
Discussions that will help students understand the basic chemical processes that impact us in our daily lives. This course will include a series of activities of different non-conventional dimensions where you will acquire skills that will help you in the comprehensive development of your academic and professional future.
QUIM-4050: General Biochemistry (3 crd)
FISI Electives
FISI-3009: General Principles of Electronics (3 crd)
Discussions of electronic components, digital electronics and logical circuits as well as R, RC, and RLC circuits. Students will be able to design, create, and analyze direct and alternate electrical circuits.
Other Departments
ECON-3021: Principles of Economy I (3 crd)
ECON-3022: Principles of Economy II (3 crd)
MATE-3015: Introduction to Statistics (3 crd)
MATE-3026: Introduction to Statistics with Computer (3 crd)
PSIC-3005: General Psychology (3 crd)
PSIC-3116: Industrial Psychology (3 crd)
CCOM-3001: Programming I (5 crd)
EDFI-3645: First Aid (2 crd)